In a distressing incident at Sanjay Gandhi Hospital in Rewa, a woman named Sakshi Pal delivered her baby in a hospital washroom late Tuesday night after reportedly being denied admission despite multiple requests. According to sources, Pal, who was in labor, was initially turned away from the hospital’s labor ward and had to resort to delivering her baby in a less-than-ideal location.
The situation drew further attention when Nagendra Mishra, the husband of another patient, came forward with allegations of similar negligence. Mishra claimed that his wife faced difficulties being admitted not only at Sanjay Gandhi Hospital but also at a nearby district hospital. This pattern of denial has raised concerns about the hospital’s admission protocols and overall patient care.
In response to these allegations, hospital management has acknowledged that there were procedural delays but firmly denied any intentional negligence. They assured that both Sakshi Pal and her newborn are currently in good health and are receiving the necessary medical attention. The hospital emphasized that the situation is being reviewed to prevent such incidents in the future.